Sunday 25 January 2009


Doing the tutorial i understood how to evaluate the quality of web site for my reserches. Is important to use appropriate sources in accademic essays and the Internet could be a good tool or an enemy. You don't have to:
- focus your attenction only on Internet searches and ignore other sorces (jurnal articles,books on the subject)
- copy informations from the Internet
You have to:
- critycally evaluate the quality of information found on the Internet
- synthesize the information to form your own work

There is an accademic publishing process that sources should have passed to be reliable and is important to check if they have the right requirements (before based your work on them!)

Negative sides of the Internet are:
- anynone can put somenthing there and from everywhere in the world
- they can say anything they like
So is essential to know how is the writer and if he/she is an 'authority' in your subject area.
You need to question the quality and the credibility of informantion you find before you use it in your essay.
The URL on a web site can help you to understand more about the site.

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