Monday 24 November 2008

This morning we had a seminar on the subject of the media/television.
In my group there were people from different parts of the world: China, Lithuania, Vietnam and Arabic countries. We spent almost one hour talking about television viewing habits in our countries and was quite interesting to descover that, even if each country has an own policy to manage television broadcasting, all of us had the same ideas on which are the main problems linked to TV.
At the end it came out that television has changed a lot in the last 20 year and, unfortunately going to the bad. Nowadays people watch too much TV trying to escape from reality so TV producer ground on an "Ideal Life" their programmes. Stereotypes are integral part in the TV background used to make clear to viewers the differences between each character, for example "the rich man" with a professional job or "the single woman" looking for a relationship.
An other important point in our discussion has been "Media Literacy" and the joint agreement was that people should better understand the power of television to don't let it to corrupt their mind.
I enjoed this seminar; in my group everyone had the possibility to speak and i didn't have any problem to understand every single point of view, maybe because, as I said before, they were quite similar.
Besides, I found really useful to get myself informed about the seminar subject, firstly because it made me feel more secure when i was speaking and secondly for my personal knowledge, seeing that media and television are two topical issues.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Your blog is looking great, with good reflection on the seminar.
You write fluently, but check carefully for accuracy, eg

At the end IT came out that television HAS changed a lot in the last 20 yearS

better understand the power of television IN ORDER NOT TO LET it corrupt their mind.
